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Social-Emotional Learning

It is our belief that children learn best when they feel calm, safe, and connected to the adults and peers around them. That is why social emotional learning is built into both our classroom curriculum, special areas rotation, and individual student services. 

Utilizing strategies from Responsive Classroom, our classroom teachers conduct daily morning meetings and closing circles intended to enrich interpersonal relationships and cultivate an environment where students feel part of their classroom community.

Individual Counseling
There may be a time in your child’s life when they need additional emotional or behavioral support. Parents, faculty, as well as students themselves may request counseling support. Our goal is to provide a safe place for students to navigate the challenges they may face in regulating their emotions, cultivating friendships, resolving conflict, and more. Anything disclosed by students or parents within individual counseling is kept confidential. 

We are also able to provide referrals for outside counseling services, as well as collaborate with mental health providers to coordinate treatment plans. 

From time to time, we may identify groups of students who would benefit from working together in a small group setting on competencies like social skills, conflict resolution, self esteem, and more. All groups are conducted with the consent of both students and guardians. 

Director of Student Services Brittany Williams

Meet Our Director of Student Services

Brittany Williams '98
Joined the Bright School staff in 2023

Character Education Class

Students in kindergarten through third grade attend Character Education as part of their regular specials rotation. Ms. Brittany visits each classroom during their rotation to teach lessons using the Fly Five C.A.R.E.S. curriculum. You can read more about C.A.R.E.S. below. Within each lesson, students practice social skills, emotional regulation strategies, and healthy emotional expression.

“The five C.A.R.E.S. (Cooperation, Assertiveness, Responsibility, Empathy, and Self-Control) social and emotional competencies are the core of the Fly Five curriculum. These competencies are needed for almost every social relationship and for success in the workplace (Gauvain 2018; Fehr & Schurtenberger 2018); for improving willingness to seek help, express needs, and develop self-confidence (Saint Louis 2019); for the ability to contribute to a civil classroom, school, workplace, community, and society, which is a prerequisite for global citizenship (Williams 2008); for becoming a better peer, friend, colleague, and family member (Miller 2019); and for achievement in school and accomplishment outside of school (Duckworth & Seligman, 2005).” Click here for more information.


Student Support Team

Based on demonstrated need, our Kilbride Enrichment Center Student Support Team may develop a Student Support Plan in collaboration with families, teachers, and other support staff. These plans are designed to formalize any strategies that help students reach their full potential in the classroom and beyond. Each plan is individualized to the student and may be supplemented by outside healthcare providers such as pediatricians, occupational therapists, mental health clinicians, etc.

Ms. Brittany leads a class on character education