Fourth graders took Mr. Morgan on a virtual tour of the 50 states during their week in the Spring of Gratitude. Mr. Morgan loves to travel!

The state project is a tradition for fourth grade. Each student has a state, and they learn all about the state and create a digital presentation and 3-sided display board.

During the week, students brought Mr. Morgan flowers for his desk and a book about the national parks that will be donated to the library in his honor.

On Tuesday, students went to the cabin and listened to the tunes of Lew Card '90, playing the guitar, while they presented their state brochures to Mr. Morgan. They also gave him a book of poems they wrote about him.

Students also showed Mr. Morgan their presentations they made on their Chromebooks and the displays they made for the hall.

Finally, they sang "50 Nifty" to him at the cabin and presented him with a recipe book and pass to all the national parks.

To view their performance at the cabin, click here.