Responsible Use Policy for All Grades

The Bright School is committed to the use of technology in the academic program as a tool to enhance the educational development of our students. The Bright School provides network access for students, faculty, staff and administration. Our goal is to promote educational excellence by facilitating research, resource sharing, communication and innovation. All network access is expected to support education and research and to be consistent with the educational goals of The Bright School.<br><br>The use of the network is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use or use in violation of this policy will result in the loss of these privileges or other disciplinary actions determined by a school administrator. The Responsible Use Policy is designed to give students and their families clear and concise guidelines regarding the appropriate use of the school’s technology, including computers, printers, software, and the Internet.

Using the computer correctly and responsibly is very important. I promise to follow these rules:

1. I promise to use all computer equipment carefully.
2. I promise to use the computer and the Internet for school work only. I will use the programs and websites that my teacher has approved.
3. I promise not to change, delete, add to, or download any software programs to the school computers.
4. I promise to ask for help if I don’t know what to do.
5. I promise to tell my teacher, the technology director, or other adult administrator if I read or see something on the computer that is inappropriate. The Bright School takes reasonable steps to provide a safe online environment. The school subscribes to a web content filtering service and invested in a firewall appliance that monitors and filters incoming traffic on the school network.
6. I promise never to use the computer to be hurtful to others. I will not view, send or display inappropriate messages or pictures.
7. I promise to print only when my teacher tells me to. Supplies such as paper, ink, and time on the computer are limited resources. I will not waste them. I will use my time on the computer wisely.
8. I promise to only use my name and password. I will not use another person’s name and password. I promise not to share my password.
9. I promise not to damage or tamper with the hardware, software or the network.
10. I promise to obey copyright laws. I know it is wrong to copy someone’s work unless I have their permission and include their name on it.
11. I promise to only use my own files or my own folders on the student Google Drive server. I agree not to open, copy, change, delete, or damage files or folders that are not mine.
12. I promise not to give out my personal information, such as my full name, address, telephone number, school address, or send a picture of myself without my teacher or parent’s approval.
13. I promise not to meet or agree to get together with anyone I have communicated with through the Internet without my parent’s knowledge and approval.
14. I promise if I receive any messages on the computer that are mean or make me feel uncomfortable, I will tell my teacher immediately.

Smart watches are increasing in popularity with a small number of students wearing one to school. Smart watches are approved (at this time), to be worn in class on a day to day basis, provided that they do not become a distraction to the learner wearer. They should be set to Flight Mode during the day to ensure they are not a distraction. Should the teacher notice the student becoming distracted during class, sport or any school activity, the student and parent will be asked for the device to be left at home and not worn to school.

I will sign my name to show that I will follow these rules.